Works constitution law

Works constitution law is our home turf. There is no works constitution topic that we do not handle, whether giving practical advice, preparing an expert review, drafting contracts, conducting or accompanying negotiations or if necessary representing clients in court proceedings. Because we advise so many enterprises, we not only have a broad base of experience, but we can also take a best practices approach.

Our approach to consultancy is based on your requirements. We are seen as constructive and cooperative negotiators, our opinions can be relied on and are always suitable to be supplied to the works council representatives, but nonetheless we vigorously enforce the employer’s position. Every day, several of our qualified legal specialists act in negotiations, moderations, mediations or at conciliation committees throughout Germany. We therefore have an excellent personal and professional reputation among all major mediators and heads of conciliation committees.

We are a driver of innovation and are at the forefront in pursuing new topics in the works constitution, for example in deploying agile forms of working, determining psycho-traumatic stress disorder in employment law and health protection, in the introduction of Office 365, in connection with difficult questions of works council remuneration, in proceedings to challenge elections in branches, in creating tailor-made representation structures in the group and in the open office and flexible workplace.

Your contact person

Henrik Lüthge
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 40 5719983-50
Jochen Saal
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 211 88288-168
Frankfurt am Main
Prof Dr Barbara Reinhard
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 69 710410-240
Dr Oliver Vollstädt
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 89 2123103-325
Stefan Fischer
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 30 887154-88