We clear the obstacles

from your path

Logistics, transport, infrastructure

We represent leading national and also regional transport enterprises on land, on water and in the air. As a result we are quite familiar with the challenges of your business area. We give you employment-law advice in procurement, building, operational and maintenance projects, suggest methods to handle requirements for compliance with collective wage agreements and support you in establishing and effectively implementing your compliance arrangements. With our experienced and forceful teams we are also at hand in urgent and emergency situations and support you promptly and effectively, for example in the case of a strike, in pay disputes with branch-level unions and in disputes with works councils, e.g. on the duty roster.

Your contact person

Dr Jan L. Teusch
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 211 88288-129
E jan.teusch@kliemt.de
Prof Dr Michael Kliemt
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 211 88288-115
E michael.kliemt@kliemt.de
Frankfurt am Main
Prof Dr Barbara Reinhard
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 69 710410-245
E barbara.reinhard@kliemt.de
Dr Oliver Vollstädt
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 89 2123103-325
E oliver.vollstaedt@kliemt.de
Dr Kara Preedy LL.M. lic.dr.
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 30 887154-59
E kara.preedy@kliemt.de