We do business for you

Trade, consumer products

We create the employment-law framework conditions to enable you to grow existing market positions and to open up new business opportunities – for example in the course of strategic corporate acquisitions and sales and in the drafting of joint venture agreements. For our clients we develop compliance systems suited to their needs, optimise in-house co-determination appropriate for their branch and distribution network, in cooperation with them design acceptable remuneration systems and flexible home office arrangements or negotiate works agreements on Salesforce and GPS systems in the field.

Your contact person

Dr Jan L. Teusch
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 211 88288-129
E jan.teusch@kliemt.de
Prof Dr Michael Kliemt
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 211 88288-115
E michael.kliemt@kliemt.de
Frankfurt am Main
Dr Till Heimann
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 69 710410-180
E till.heimann@kliemt.de
Dr Oliver Vollstädt
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 89 2123103-325
E oliver.vollstaedt@kliemt.de
Dr Kara Preedy LL.M. lic.dr.
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 30 887154-59
E kara.preedy@kliemt.de