We design change

The media

A large number of national or leading global media groups rely on our advice and value our prompt and pragmatic approach. We give support in strategic restructurings, acquisitions and sales, transfers of business, questions of works constitution and collective bargaining law and the deployment of freelancers – taking account of the special legal features in the media branch. Not least digitalisation and the consequent changes present the media industry with particular challenges. We present possible approaches and accompany you on the path to the best solution. In this way we ensure that your interests are enforced optimally, taking account of media-specific features.

Your contact person

Dr Markus Bohnau
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 211 88288-145
E markus.bohnau@kliemt.de
Jochen Saal
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 211 88288-168
E jochen.saal@kliemt.de
Frankfurt am Main
Prof Dr Barbara Reinhard
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 69 710410-245
E barbara.reinhard@kliemt.de
Dr Burkard Göpfert LL.M.
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 89 2123103-315
E burkard.goepfert@kliemt.de
Dr Kara Preedy LL.M. lic.dr.
Attorney, Partner
Certified Employment Law Specialist
T +49 (0) 30 887154-59
E kara.preedy@kliemt.de