International employment relationships, secondment, global policies
Together with our Ius Laboris partner law firms we advise you on all questions concerning international employment relationships, from creation through performance to termination.
Our achievements:
- Drafting employment and secondment contracts
- HR compliance audits
- Global contract management including alerts where amendments are needed (e.g. as a result of changes to legislation or case law)
- Design of international employment contracts and policies
- Implementation of worldwide uniform policies and other arrangements, taking account of the special national features of the individual countries
- Low performance management according to international standards and adjustment to local legal provisions
- Individual or collective dismissals
Performance management: When employees are identified as low performers or if misconduct is suspected, enterprises must sometimes react both promptly and at the same time prudently. Together with our Ius Laboris partner law firms we provide you with reliable guidelines and procedures so that you can establish legally watertight strategies. We implement these successfully together with you.
Severance processes In many legal systems, general dissatisfaction with an employee’s performance is not sufficient to satisfy the legal requirements for dismissal. It is therefore important for multinational groups to work together with lawyers who are familiar with this area. Together with our Ius Laboris partner law firms we help you to create severance processes in different legal systems. This includes dealing with formal warnings and notice periods, performance management, obtaining official authorisations and dealing with the legal effects of a dismissal. We work together with our clients to achieve the best possible result, whether at employment courts or outside them.