Konradin Pleul
Certified Employment Law Specialist

Monbijouplatz 10 A
10178 Berlin
T +49 (0) 30 887154-60
F +49 (0) 30 887154-20
E konradin.pleul@kliemt.de
Konradin Pleul advises German and international companies on individual and collective employment law as well as on transactions. One focus of his work is advising on works constitution law, employment law restructurings and representing companies in complex court proceedings. Konradin Pleul has particular experience in advising and representing companies in the conclusion of collective agreements. With his team, he regularly assists companies in supervisory board elections in accordance with the One-Third Participation Act or the Co-Determination Act. Konradin Pleul is a lecturer in contract drafting and employment law compliance at the DeutscheAnwaltAkademie.


  • Attorney since 2013
  • Certified Employment Law Specialist since 2017
  • with KLIEMT.HR Lawyers since 2024
  • 2019 – 2024 Partner with Greenberg Traurig Germany, LLP
  • 2013 – 2019 Attorney/Counsel at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law


  • German
  • English
  • Spanish


  • „Pragmatisch, nah am Kunden – Einsatzstärke, fokussiert – gutes Verständnis, wie HR in der Praxis funktioniert, unprätentiös.“
    (Legal 500 2024)
  • Ausgezeichnet als einer von „Deutsch­lands besten Anwälten“
    (Han­dels­blatt / Best Lawyers, seit 2021)